First Six months in L. Gan

As this is the end of the year 2012, I just wanted to share with you some of the important things that happened to me during this year. As I have started blogging just few days ago,  I wouldn't be able to provide you with any detailed information or the pictures. But I will try to give as much information as possible.

I went to Sri Lanka three years ago. Me and my hubby, we went there for higher studies. The first few months that we spend there was a somewhat a struggle. But later, the days went smoothly. I had a great group of Maldivians in our HND batch (Mary, Hamty, Niumatty, Mazin, Niya, Thotts, Amradh, Ziya, Xeyn , Munchy and Ammi) And especially ,Asra was one of the first friend I got from there. But she left me so soon and I kept on missing her for the rest of the days.

Again, I got some new friends on my final year (Chirey, Thoyyu,Azmil, Salim, Mujey and Sajid). Together we all did a great job. We enjoyed as much as we studied. Saajid was the boss and he helped us in many ways. Chirey was one of the sweetest friends that one could get. Thanx Cupcake. Miss you. Hope to see you before the Small Chirey come out.

At the end of the third year, Hubby came back to Maldives and started a job. I was in Sri Lanka with one of his bro’s and Upps. At the beginning, I was a bit bored and lonely. But, due to the new friends I got from there, the long days and nights became short. Together, we all roamed the places and enjoyed so much. I still remember how they celebrated my b’day. It was one of the best b’day I ever had. Thank you Amal, Vampish, Xihu, Sunmamma, Kudhu mamma, Sira, Imko,Batts,Saa-j, Upps, Sammko and Chobree. You all gave me almost a heart attack on that night. Those days I spent with you all will be treasured forever and ever.

I came back to Maldives on April 6th of 2012. I was jobless for 3 months and started to feel bored. Hubby was working in Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani School. He asked me to join the place, as there is vacancy of a Business teacher. Since I was not so willing to be a teacher again, I waited and waited.  When I started my degree, I thought of quitting the teaching profession. I felt that I couldn't become a good teacher and have no talents to become an effective teacher.  

But again after my studies, I had to join to school as a teacher. I started the job during the second term. I didn't want to go but it’s too boring to stay idle for so long. That school was a totally new environment for me. Other than my Hubby, there was no familiar face. People kept on reminding me that the students discipline was worse there. Some classes were intolerable. There was no way the teachers could manage them, because they were not really interested in studies. They come to school just for time pass and disturb other students and classes, disobeys the teachers and the school management too. I wondered where in the world I have jumped into and how am I going to do this when the locals were so hopeless.

As the way teachers said, some of the classes were unmanageable. Some students move in and out of the class without the permission. They have no mere interest to study.  Since each and every student is a totally new face for me, I felt so hard at first. When I ask students names, they tell different names. When I asked the name of a one boy, he said his name was Raja. I started to call Raja to him. All the students laughed. I continued calling Raja till I knew his real name. heheh. :P

The first few days were a big struggle. It took some time for me to learn their names and to get adjusted to the new environment. And the students were same too. At first, they never even smile and some were so rude and unfriendly. Some days I come home as soon as the session was over and never wanted to go back. My mind was always occupied by the students and the incidences that happen in school. In some days I felt so hopeless. But my Hubby kept on encouraging me. Thanks Honey for believing in me and giving me strength.

After some time, I was able to build up a good rapport with the students. Even though, the whole class was not attentive, I was able to get hold of some of them. They started to talk with me freely and sometimes I used to read stories to them. So, whenever they see me, they ask me to read a story or a joke for them. And they found it so funny the way I read “Laamu” or “L”. No one ever said or recognized any difference in the way I read that letter. For some time, I was so awkward to greet them by Saying “Assalaam Alaikum”. Because, they all laugh whenever I say so J. But later, they all got used to it (it was great way to change their mood or get a hearty laugh from them..hehe).

 As I started to build up a good relationship with the students, my hopes started to rise high. I know I could not make a much difference in their result on the subject within the available time. But I tried my level best to create interest on the subject and maintain their discipline. Sometimes they do things that I feel so ashamed of, but I kept on striving. After 5 months, I was content with what i have done. Few students improved their results and some started to pay an interest on the subject and few others started to do their works too. Not much, but I was satisfied with what I gained from my hopeless work.

The School was closed on 22nd November 2012. Sorry, I just kept writing about the students and forgot about the rest of the things. Well! As I said before when I went there on the first day, there was no familiar face. It continued the same way for some time. I was too shy to talk to them and we had a gap between us. During the Prize day preparation, all were divided into groups and tasks were allocated. I was also in one group .While doing those tasks, we started to talk and make fun. All the staffs in the school were so co- operative and together we all did a splendid job. The ceremony was very colorful and well- organized.
 Then on wards, we started to talk, go for coffees, rides and have fun. After sometime, I was able to make some good friends from the school who were a good back up for me to survive in this new environment. I hope it will be the same in the rest of the days.

Now, when everything is over and the holiday started. Friends went here and there. We cannot meet the way we used to. But, I am happy for the wonderful friends I got and wanted us to be same forever. Thanks Aisha for giving company when i needed it the most. Thanks for the lovely friends in Hamad School. I miss you all very much. I am blessed to have precious friends like you in my life.

= Sometimes life will teach you many lessons that you don’t want to learn. But keep on learning, because it might be a stepping stone for a brighter future. =


  1. how could you miss my name over there :( wasn't i there on your birth day?

    1. aww't dat ur name written between batts and Upps..:P..heheh

    2. just now you edited. BTW nice one :)

  2. Interesting article mom, why don't you upload some pics of surprise born day party! =P

    1. thanx baby..sorri i dont have any pix..if u have plx send.. :)

  3. Thanx for sharing those lovely moments, its very nice. these are the ones that gave a litle value to our lives.We miss them alot.

    1. dear..we all really enjoyed your company..thanx alot..miss u..:)

  4. Wow... gud to know that u r enjoying nd dat u remember us still.... U were indeed de very reliable and helpful frend i hav evrr met... I specially thank u n kathoo for helping me out when i needed it de most :))) misss u huge... Keep blogging ... Hamty here :)))

  5. its nice, happy to hear that u are interested to work here with us. its cool keep smiling

  6. goog job! keep it up! nice way to share your experiences..... love this... <3

  7. thanx sweety..keep on commenting..mis u


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